Spring Is Here! Time to Declutter!

9 03 2013

We all collect clutter, some more than others! Any Hoarders out there? Clutter is an inevitable part of life, it’s how you deal with it that counts. I always thought Spring was a great time to declutter, not just your living space, car or purse but also your mind.

A good way to start, as they say, is with baby steps. Start with a drawer, fondly referred to as the junk drawer, yes, we all have one or two. Put paper or a towel on the floor and dump the whole thing out. Put on your favorite show or radio station and begin sorting. Have a garbage bag beside you, if you dont know what that thingamajig is toss it! Then wipe the inside down so you can start fresh. If you really need 100 elestic bands fine, if not, toss ’em. Check all the loose batteries, if they don’t work now they wont work later, toss ’em. Check the flashlight that we should all have in the junk drawer and make sure it has fresh batteries! If your like me you have a pile of stuff that does belong somewhere, just not here. Put any tools, hammer, screwdriver etc. back in the toolbox. Crafting supplies back by the sewing machine and toys back where they belong. If you are really good you could utilize dividers, but clean and decluttered is good enough for me! Try for at lease one drawer a day, the key is to make sure and empty and clean every single one!

Next time we’ll tackle closets!!

Personal Branding

9 03 2013

Nowadays everyone needs a brand, something that difines us, tells the world who we are, what we think and what we believe in. We must be true to ourselves, but we must learn how to use our brand to our best advantage. What we wear, what we do, how we speak and even the causes we support show the world who we are. The key is to be consistant.

Think of the people, places and organizations  that have a distinct brand:

Coca-Cola, Lindsay Lohan, Steve Jobs, Jon BonJovi

They all have brands, and so should you!

Start a list of words that you would like others to use to describe you, and in following posts we will start creating your Personal Brand!

Create Your Better Life!

9 03 2013

Lifestyle Management is the concept of proactively managing your life instead of just letting it happen!

I think of life as an evolving puzzle, sometimes the pieces fit nicely, sometimes they have to be manipulated and sometimes they just get lost.

There  are so many facets to our lives its hard to keep everything in balance, at any given time one or more areas demand our full attention and the other areas slip a bit, and thats ok.

A few of the things we will be doing are creating a personal Mission Statement as well as a Vision Board.

A Mission Statement is a paragraph or two stating the focus your life, the person you want to be. I will help you figure this out through various worksheets and basic questions and answers.

A Vision Board is a fun way to nail down your hearts desires through pictures and objects. Your fantasy car, your dream job, the country cottage or the highrise condo!

In the next few weeks we will start to collect the basic pieces to create our own perfect puzzle!!

See You Soon!
